Request money services business or foreign money services business registration updates

Request money services business or foreign money services business registration updates

FINTRAC is modernizing its tools and processes to serve you better. This form is intended for businesses operating as money services businesses (MSBs) or foreign money services businesses (FMSBs) to request registration renewals, information changes and cessations.

What would you like to do with your registrationRequired field

Organization information

Business typeRequired field

Request submitted by

Requester roleRequired field

MSB/FMSB registration information

Definition of MSB/FMSB

Are you registered as an MSB or FMSBRequired field
Do not provide any confidential information

Privacy disclaimer

The information that you provide is protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act and will be used by FINTRAC to prepare a reply and in its administration of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, as described in Personal Information Bank: Compliance of Reporting Entities – PPU 028. For more information, consult FINTRAC’s Info Source.

Date modified: 2024-05-30