Volunteer application form: Guided hike program - Yoho National Park

Volunteer application form: Guided hike program - Yoho National Park

What is your name?

How can we contact you?

For example: 111-222-3333
For example: name@example.com
Preferred language for communication

What is your address?

Include street name and number.


Do you give Parks Canada permission to notify you by email regarding future opportunities to volunteer with the guided hikes program (Burgess Shale guided hikes and guided conservation hikes)?Required field
Have you been on a Parks Canada guided hike before (Burgess Shale guided hikes and guided conservation hikes)?Required field
How did you hear about the guided hikes Volunteer Program?Required field
What is your current age group?Required field

What is your language capability?

First aid training is preferred but not required. Do you hold any first aid certifications?Required field
Other skill areas
Volunteer requirementsall checkboxes required

Volunteer role and responsibilities

  • I will read through the pre-trip training sent to me upon confirmation of my volunteer date
  • I will carry a radio and walkie-talkie issued by Parks Canada, for which I will be trained by the guide on the morning of the hike
  • I will carry bear spray issued by Parks Canada, for which I will be trained by the guide on the morning of the hike
  • I will follow the instructions given by the Parks Canada guide
  • I will help with group management as directed by the guide (e.g. position myself at the back of the hiking group, encourage any slower-paced hikers, ensure the group remains on the trail, keep the group together)
  • I will be courteous towards other hikers on the trail
  • If I chose one of the Burgess Shale guided hikes, I will assist the guide in monitoring the security of the Burgess Shale fossils and report any suspicious behaviour to the guide
  • I will assist the guide with administering first aid, as requested
  • I am prepared to stay with an injured party member or escort a group member down the trail at the request of the guide.
    In this uncommon situation, the volunteer might not get to complete the entire hike. You can register for a free hike as a client, in the same year, if you are required to escort someone off the trail.
  • I will provide at least 4 days’ notice if I am unable to volunteer on my confirmed hike date
Do you agree with the role and responsibilities mentioned above?Required field
Format the date as: mm/dd/yyyy
Format the date as: mm/dd/yyyy

Emergency contact

The information you provide is collected under the authority of Parks Canada Agency Act, Sections 5(2), 6(1) and 8, the Canada National Marine Conservation Act, and the Canada National Parks Act to administer the National Volunteer Program, establish an inventory of individuals, groups or organizations able to participate in various volunteer activities and obtain views and opinions on the efficiency and success of the National Volunteer Program.

Participation in National Volunteer Program is voluntary. Refusal to provide personal information will omit you to become a volunteer for the program.

The information you provide may be used for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes to provide overarching statistical data about the National Volunteer program. However, these additional uses and/or disclosures of your personal information will never result in an administrative decision being made about you.

Your personal information is administered in accordance with the Sections 5(2), 6(1) and 8, the Canada National Marine Conservation Act , the Privacy Act and other applicable laws. You have the right to the protection of, access to, and correction of your personal information, which is described in Personal Information Bank National Volunteer Program, PC PPU 081. Instructions for obtaining this information are outlined in the government publication entitled Info Source available online. Info Source may also be accessed on-line at any Service Canada Centre.

You have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the institution’s handling of your personal information.

Date modified: 2024-06-04