Please complete this questionnaire to book your school group visit.

The collection of personal information is authorized by paragraph 4(2) k) of the Department of Canadian Heritage Act and is required to allow school organizers to place their reservation through the Jacques-Cartier Park (JCP) Winterlude website. Collection and use of this personal information are in accordance with the Privacy Act. The information collected will be used for the sole purpose of providing school organizers with necessary information about the JCP Winterlude event, namely if unforeseen closures or changes must be implemented on the date of their visit. The personal information collected will be shared with the Visitor Experience Program who’s responsible of triaging the information and taking care of all the reservations related to their program. The personal information collected is described in Personal Information Capital Experience – PCH PAC  050 and will be retained for at least two years following the last time the personal information was used for an administrative purpose. Failure to provide the requested information may result in you not being informed of the changes and updates related to the Winterlude event. Under the Privacy Act* you have the right of access to, and correction of, your personal information. To exercise either of these rights, contact Canadian Heritage’s ATIP Coordinator by email at If you are not satisfied with Canadian Heritage’s response to your privacy concern, you may wish to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada by telephone at 1-800-282-1376.

When providing comment, we request that you do not include personal information about yourself or others.

How can we contact you?

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Date modified: 2024-11-07