Defence Team Fraud Risk Management Questionnaire

Purpose of the questionnaire

The following questions aim to find out how aware, confident, and proactive Defence Team members are about preventing and detecting fraud in their workplace, as well as to identify areas where the Defence Team Fraud Risk Management Program can be improved.

For this survey, “fraud” refers to the intentional misuse or misappropriation of DND’s resources or assets. Fraud can be either internal (by Defence Team members) or external (by third parties).

This anonymous survey will take 5 to 8 minutes to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary, and you may end your participation at any time without reprisal or career repercussions. You are not required to respond to any question you are uncomfortable with.

Information you provide:
The information collected will be kept strictly confidential and will only be shared with members of the survey team. No information that will directly identify you as an individual participant will be collected or stored with the dataset. The survey team will protect your anonymity in any reports or presentations as only grouped information will be reported.

The risks associated with participating in this study are assessed as low. Should you experience discomfort, you may choose not to answer a question or a section of the survey.

ATIP Considerations:
The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act entitle Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, and individuals or corporations currently present in Canada to obtain copies of research reports and research information held in federal government files. Prior to releasing any information, the Director Access to Information and Privacy screens the information to ensure that the identities of individuals are not disclosed.

By continuing with the survey, you are consenting to participate. You are also agreeing that your anonymized data can be used by the current (or other authorized) Defence researchers for purposes beyond the present study. In no way does this waive your legal rights nor release the researcher, sponsors, or involved institutions from their legal and professional responsibilities.

Date modified: 2024-11-13