Request information on Defence and Aerospace business opportunities
Would you like to find out more about CED's networking and representation services between the various players in the defence and aerospace sector? Would you like to take advantage of these services to develop your business?
Fill in this form with information about your company or organisation. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Personal information provided in this form is gathered by the Agency under the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act. It is used to process your application, for statistical purposes and to assess CED’s performance. It may even be shared in a de-identified manner with other federal institutions for reporting and statistical purposes.
The information is governed under applicable legislation, including the Privacy Act. The collection, use, communication, and retention of the information are described in personal information bank number CED PPU 1001.
The Privacy Act provides individuals with the right to access their personal information, to protect this information, and to request it be corrected. If you are not satisfied with how the Agency is managing your personal information, you can exercise your right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.