Please let us know if your contact information changes anytime after you have submitted this form. If we cannot reach you, it may result in the closure of your file.
Pronoun and Name
A pronoun is a word used to refer to you in the third person (for example, they, she, he). We invite you to provide your pronouns so that we can deliver our services in a way that is inclusive and safe for all people.
Race or ethnic background
We want our services to help all Canadians.
Supporting Documents (optional)
If you wish to submit supporting documents that can help us review your complaint (for example, copies of emails, letters, or written decisions), you can send them to us by email at
Provision of information requested on this form is voluntary. It is collected under the authority of the Federal Ombudsperson for Victims of Crime Order in Council P.C. 2007-355 and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act for the purpose of review and resolution of your complaint. Personal information is protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act. If you have any questions or concerns about the management of your personal information by the OFOVC, please contact our Access to Information and Privacy Office by emailing You may also file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner.
If you are submitting this form on behalf of the complainant, please note that any personal information or opinions expressed about the individual on this form belongs to the complainant and can be obtained by that person.