Lower Fort Garry school booking request form

Lower Fort Garry school booking request form

You and your students can discover the past first-hand, through one of our Manitoba curriculum-based programs and activities.

An experienced interpreter will lead your group as they explore one of the finest collections of early stone buildings in western Canada. Younger students will be enchanted by games, interactive stories, and treasure hunts, while older students will receive a more nuanced introduction to some of the social and racial tensions brought about by European settlement and the birth of the fur trade in the Red River Valley.

Whatever the grade level, we promise your students a unique and unforgettable experience at Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site!

We are currently accepting requests for May 20 to June 27, 2025. More dates may become available at a later date.

The information you provide is collected under the authority of paragraph 8 (1) of the Canada National Parks Act and 8 of the Parks Canada Agency Act for administering the registration and the issuance of admission for school booking program tours. These tours and activities are intended to offer education of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage.

The administration includes providing aids to visitors and may be shared with appropriate law enforcement agencies and emergency workers.

The aggregate data may be used to evaluate the performance of the guided tour program through statistical analysis and used for reporting to senior management for further development and improvement. However, these additional uses of the data will never result in an administrative decision being made about you.

Your personal information is administered in accordance with Canada National Parks Act, the Privacy Act and other applicable laws.  You have the right to the protection of, access to, and correction of your personal information, which is described in Treasury Board Secretariat Standard Personal Information Bank (PIB), Outreach Activities, PC PSU 938.

Instructions for obtaining this information are outlined in the government publication entitled Info Source, which is available at the following web site address: www.infosource.gc.ca.

You have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the institution’s handling of your personal information at: https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/.

Customer account information

Enter the name of your school.
Enter the school's address.
Enter the school's postal code.
Enter the school's phone number.

Educator Contact Information

Enter the full name of the primary contact on the day of your visit.
Enter the phone number of the primary contact on the day of your visit.
Enter the email address of the primary contact on the day of your visit.

About Your Visit

LanguageRequired field
Select all that apply.
Enter your first-choice date (from May 20 to June 27, 2025). (yyyy-mm-dd)
Enter your second-choice date (from May 20 to June 27, 2025). (yyyy-mm-dd)
Enter your third-choice date (from May 20 to June 27, 2025). (yyyy-mm-dd)
Grade levelRequired field
Enter a number
Only enter numbers
Only enter numbers
Only enter numbers

Program selection

Select the programming for your group or groups. You can choose any combination of a tour (2 hours) and up to three activities (one hour each) for up to two groups.

Programs at Lower Fort Garry


Group 1

Only enter numbers

Optional: Select up to three activities

Activities at Lower Fort Garry

Only enter numbers
Only enter numbers
Only enter numbers
Do you need to provide tour and programming selections for a second group?


  • 1 chaperone free per 5 students.
  • Minimum of 1 chaperone per group of 20 students (Grade 12 and below).
  • Extra adults will be charged a Lower Fort Garry entry rate if applicable.
  • EAs accompanying a student do not need to pay.
  • There is the possibility of historic weapons demonstrations being performed onsite during your visit.

  • We ask that payment be made by one designated person for the group. Regular admission fees apply for those who arrive and pay separately. Payment can be made by Visa, MasterCard, Interac, cash or cheques made out to the Receiver General For Canada.

Date modified: 2025-03-20